Poultry and Poultry Products


Eggs- $4.25 per dozen

Whole Roasting Chickens- $4.00/ lb.

Stewing Chickens- $10/ bird. Check for availability


Duck Eggs- $8.00 per dozen; $5.00 per 1/2 Dozen

Our ducks are Indian Runner ducks so are good egg layers but not meat birds. We do not sell processed ducks for meat.


We raise about 25 turkeys from mid-July to November, having the butchered in time for a fresh Thanksgiving turkey. $4.80/ pound. They usually average 15-25#. Reservations required.

Peacocks/ Peahens

We have Black Shouldered peacocks as well. We sell the birds for $75 each. We do wait until the chicks are at least 8-10 months old before separating them from their mothers.

We also sell their feathers in our store- $2.00 for eyes $1.50 for side feathers.